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About this site

1a1I’m a Bible teacher at Grace Christian Academy in Knoxville, Tennessee, and this will be, oh, about my 25th year of teaching.  My dad was a teacher for 49 years, and I’m the next in line to carry the torch, and I’ve been in the classroom in California, Arizona, North Carolina, Ohio and Tennessee.  To put it simply,  I love what I do.

If you’d like to see some of the inner workings of my classroom, please click on the link to my fictional university:

Zockoll University

This is where my students actually contribute to a Bible commentary.  It is a perpetual work in progress:

Brickyard Bible

as is our latest work on getting book-by-book Bible teaching.  My classes are all building a Bible study website:

Canon Community College

This blog was supposed to take you through one calendar year of teaching, from January through December of the year 2014.  Well, it’s expanded, and I keep finding things to say.

One of the most visited parts of my blogs is when a very dear friend of mine died of cancer. His name was Tom Craig and he was my senior pastor.  Many people have sought to hear about his final weeks with us, and I have recorded them starting here:

We Received the Shocking News on Sunday

And then there are the downright stupid things I have done.  Here is a sample of my simple-mindedness:

We Actually Leapfrogged Twenty Miles Non-Stop

But best of all, there are great memories of how the Lord has worked in my life and in the life of others.  Here is an example:

My Christmas Card to My Students

There are few things in life better for me than to be able to teach the message of God as found in His writings.

Mine is not a popular profession in these days, to say the least (really, has it ever been?).  That’s where the challenge arises: to fight the numerous battles of secularism, bigotry and popularism (the latest field of technological self-righteousness).  I enjoy the challenge.

An important disclaimer:  when I write a blog about an incident it is always true, but I will change names and I may be vague about a location or a date.  I might combine two similar events.  I do it on purpose, because my intent is not to embarrass anyone, but to bring a lesson across with each entry.  Many of you have written me and recognized yourselves.  It’s up to you if you want to share it. I want to have fun, but not at anyone’s expense.

Bear with me, please. The Bible is magnificent – I am not.

I am just a messenger.

The daily ministry is anything but routine, as you’ll see in the many blog posts throughout the year.

Thank you for reading.  There’s a lot of superior stuff on the internet, and you could be enjoying much greater content than what you read in my blog.  I appreciate the fact that you’d take time to stop by.

  1. “The Bible is magnificent – I am not.”

    I think this is the attitude that more people should have when sharing the bible.

    • Thank you very much! I find it hard in hearing a speaker putting their personality above the Scripture. Anecdote here, opinion there, joke here, etc etc. Give me God’s Word undisputed by ego.

  2. Looks like you have quite a bit of interesting material posted. I am going to have to frequent your work.

    • I appreciate the thought. I will be coming over and seeing yours regularly as well. I especially liked the Dr. Snuffy post.

      • lol, thanks. Writing to me is like a painting, sometime only fellow artists will appreciate your work… Looking forward to the continued dialogue and fellowship 🙂

  3. I’ve nominated you for The Liebster Award!

  4. Elle permalink

    Your posts are so interesting that I hope they don’t end in December 2014! Thank you for sharing how God is working and has worked in your life. It’s always encouraging –and sometimes convicting!

    • Elle, thank you! You are very kind and an encouragement to me. I might add that my book (with a number of these blogs) will come out this August, and all of my royalties will go to the KidzTeam Cancer charity of East Tennessee Childrens Hospital. I feel that this blog is a vital ministry for me to share.

  5. Tracy Fressel permalink


    Thank you very much for sharing your thoughts re: Tom Craig’s last three months of ministry.any years ago I got to interact with Tom regularly on trips to Greenville or when he’d come to Michigan. You have served Christ’s Body well by documenting God’s grace in Tom’s life and the church there in Oak Ridge. Thank you!

    • It’s a ministry the Lord laid on my heart, Tracy. I wanted to record as much as I was able. I thank you for reading these entries.

  6. Cheryl permalink

    Tom was my first cousin, our precious baby Tommy. Our time together as adults was infrequent
    due to distance and busy lives. I hope I am forever changed by his example. There was a palpable
    joy and energy in his church, even as his casket rolled out for the last time. His song , Oh the deep, deep love, says it all……Loved and missed

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A year's blog as a Bible teacher

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